In case of Emergency, if the family physician cannot be reached, I hereby authorize my child, to be treated by another qualified, licensed physician who is available at the time and I am responsible for all costs associated with the treatment of my child.
Please click here to view and read all of our policies. Once you have read and understand the policies, sign below. All Parents are REQUIRED to volunteer at least 4 hours throughout the season and participate with fundraising. A buyout option of $60 is available for those who don't wish to participate in fundraising.
I have read, understand, and agree;
to all sections of this document and agree to adhere to all conditions contained within. I also agree to abide by all rules, regulations, and Bylaws of the Judson Jr. Rockets Organization. I understand that these are available at my request. I understand that all coaches, administrators, and committee members are not professionals, but are volunteers, and may not be specifically trained for the task they are performing.
I certify that I am the legal Parent/Guardian of the participant named above and that I agree to let my child participate in the JJR organization and will uphold the JJR rules and Bylaws. Further, I agree to forever hold harmless the Judson Jr. Rockets Organization for any damage or injury received while participating in or while attending JJR events.
By signing below, I confirm that all information herein contained is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.